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Brief Encounter - Gareth Barker

Originally Published 15 June 2004

GARETH BARKER is the Students’ Union newly elected Communication and Venue Officer. He is 21 years of age and campaigned under the slogan, ’Answering Ur call’.

What is your favourite saying?
‘You win some, you lose some’

Do you have any fears/ phobias?
Not good with heights

Where do you want to be in 20 years time?
In another country earning lots of money and speaking a different language

Degree Course?
Philosophy and Literature

Societies and Projects?
Captain 1st XV UWRFC

How many Hours a week do you expect to work?
However long it takes to get the job done

What do you think of Union Council?
Vital, underrated and under-supported, but with room for improvement

Do you regret anything in your manifesto?

What right now is the single biggest problem facing the Students’ Union?
Competition from external venues

Anything Else we should know?
I will have an open-door policy so people should come and see me whenever they have interesting ideas, or just feel lonely.