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Brief Encounter - Cleo Longworth

Cleo Longworth - Undergraduate Arts Faculty RepresentativePosition:
Undergraduate Arts Faculty Representative.

Which means:
Surveying the Student-Staff Liaison Committee (SSLC) and attending lots of faculty meetings.

Life before Warwick:
Highbury (London) born and bred, schooled in Westminster and Camden and a gap year in France/the Caribbean.

Smartest career move:
Moving schools after GCSEs.

Best thing about working at Warwick:
Being surrounded by lots of intelligent people who aren’t too full of themselves.

Worst thing about working at Warwick:
Its location.

Lifelong ambition:
To own a Chateau in Provence

People are always surprised to learn this about me, but...
I have difficulty telling my left from my right!

As a young child what did you want to be as a "grown-up"?
A wife, a mother and a career-woman.

What has life's experience taught you so far?
Mixed heritage is as complex as it is beautiful. Also being ambitious pays.

Major achievement to date?
Still holding out for that… but being elected as Head Girl just after joining a new school, aged 16. A tribute to my hard work on the school newspaper.

If you could change one thing in the University overnight, what would it be?
I’d put a train station on Gibbett Hill so that we could all have better access to campus

Your favourite hobby or pastime?
Ultimate Frisbee