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5th Warwick Healthy Housing Conference

The fifth Healthy Housing Conference will be held at the University of Warwick later this year.

The conference is aimed at lawyers, environmental health practitioners, public and community health physicians, GPs, housing and health professionals, and tenant organisations.

Experts from England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, the United States of America, New Zealand, France, the Netherlands, China, and Canada will give a range of presentations.

These sessions will include Housing and an Aging Population, Energy Precariousness and Cold Homes; Housing and Home Accidents; Housing Design, Improvement and Replacement; Children and Housing; Housing and Pests; and Health-based Auditing of Housing.

Professor Roger Burridge is Head of the Warwick Law School and Chair of the Conference Scientific Committee. He said; “The fifth Healthy Housing Conference will provide a unique opportunity for cross-disciplinary and international discussion of policy-relevant research in a much ignored area of health concern.”

“As well as being an opportunity to hear about the latest insights and developments, the conference provides a rare chance to meet and discuss housing and health related research and its implications with experts from around the world.”

Dr Stephen Battersby, President of the Chartered Institute for Environmental Health, said; “The wide-ranging and exciting conference programme has attracted many international experts. 

“On behalf of the Chartered Institute I‘m pleased to support this important conference which should not only be of interest to environmental health practitioners dealing with housing and housing conditions. It will also be of interest to architects, public and community health physicians, general practitioners, lawyers, housing managers, health visitors, landlords, tenant organisations and academics.

“The conference will bring together the different disciplines with an interest in housing as a determinant of health.”

Also supporting and sponsoring the conference are the BRE Trust, Services des Etudes Médicales de EDF et de la Gaz de France, Agence Nationale de l’Habitat, Killgerm Group Ltd, and UK Public Health Association.