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Dance Project and Performance - As He Rises He Falls

As He Rises He Falls Dance ProjectTue 20 Jun 7.30pm

Theatre, Warwick Arts Centre

Four schools from across the region have been taking part in a major dance project for boys with Warwick Arts Centre and Beingfrank Physical Theatre since January. The project culminates on Tuesday 20 June with a public performance of As He Rises He Falls at the Arts Centre.

Eighty three 11 and 12 year old boys are involved from Alderbrook School & Arts College, Solihull, Henley-in-Arden High School, Henley-in-Arden, Harris C of E High School, Rugby and Foxford School & Community Arts College, Coventry.

The project started with taster sessions in each school which all Year 7 boys took part in. Around twenty boys from each school were then selected from those that wanted to continue and they have then gone on to rehearse at regular times throughout the last two school terms and between them have created this joint performance.

The sessions in school and the final performance is being directed by Beingfrank Physical Theatre who are based in Leamington. Director Dave McKenna has been leading all the sessions, as well as working with the boys to choreograph their own work.

The funding for the project has come from The Alan Edward Higgs Charity as well as Warwick Arts Centre Education Department and the schools themselves.

Tickets for the 7.30pm performance on Tuesday 20 June are £5 from the Box Office on 024 7652 4524 or online from