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1.9 Advisory Boards and Committees of Research Centres and Institutes

Yesu Persaud Centre of Caribbean Studies |Centre for Competitive Advantage in Global Economy |Centre for Cultural Policy Studies | Centre for Educational Development, Appraisal and Research |
Centre for the History of Medicine | Centre for Research in Economic Theory and Applications |Centre for Research in Philosophy, Literature and the Arts | Centre for the Study of Globalisation and Regulation|Centre for the Study of Safety and Well-Being | Centre for the Study of the Renaissance
| Industrial Relations Research Unit | Institute for Employment Research | Modern Records Centre | Social Theory Centre

Yesu Persaud Centre of Caribbean Studies: Advisory Board

The Director of the Centre and Chair of Committee Dr Fabienne Viala
The Head of the Department of English Professor David Morley
Three members of the Management Committee To be appointed
To be appointed
To be appointed

Centre for Competitive Advantage in Global Economy: Advisory Board

Centre for Cultural Policy Studies: Advisory Board

Chair To be appointed
Director Prof. J. Ahearne
Three members of the Management Committee of the Centre Prof. O. Bennet
Dr C. Bilton
Dr J. Vickery
Up to five other persons external to the University, appointed by the Senate TBA

Centre for Educational Development, Appraisal and Research: Advisory Board

Chair Dr Margaret Threadgold (2015)
The Director of the Centre, ex officio Professor Geoff Lindsay
One other member of the Centre elected by and from the membership of the Centre Mrs Mairi Ann Cullen (2015)
The Director of the Institute of Education, ex officio Mr Ian Abbott
The Chair of the Board of the Faculty of Social Sciences, ex officio

Professor Chris Hughes

Two members of the academic staff of the Faculty of Social Sciences appointed by the Board of the Faculty Professor Shirin Rai
Professor Chris Read (2015)
Eight members external to the University appropriately qualified, appointed by the Senate on the nomination of the Director of the Centre

Dr Mike Freeman
Mrs Sue Band (2015)
Mrs Margaret Threadgold (2015)
The remainder to be appointed

Three further academic members appointed by the Senate on the nomination of the Director

Professor Sarah Stewart-Brown (2015)

The remainder to be appointed

Centre for the History of Medicine: Advisory Board

Chair To be appointed as required
The Director of the Centre Dr R. Bivins (to August 2015)
Members of Centre (teaching staff)

Dr M. Thomson
Prof. H. Marland
Dr C. Stein
Dr A. Davis
Dr H. Chiang

Members of Centre (Research Fellows) Dr T. Woloshyn
Dr N. Duvall (from January 2015)
Dr M. Charleroy (from May 2015)
Other co-opted Members To be appointed as required


Centre for Research in Economic Theory and Applications: Advisory Board


Centre for Research in Philosophy, Literature and the Arts

Co-Directors of the Centre Professor M. Beistegui(2013)
Two other representatives elected by the Programme Committee  
Two members of the Centre’s academic staff  
Two academics who are not members of the University, one of whom will be elected by the Committee as Chair of the Committee  
Two members of the Executive Committee appointed by the Executive Committee  


Centre for the Study of Safety and Well-Being: Advisory Board

Chair Professor Nickie Charles (acting chair until second term 2014-15)
Director of the Centre Dr Ravi Thiara
Director of Lifelong Learning Dr. Fergus McKay
Up to three academic members of the Management Committee, elected by and from the membership of the Centre Professor J. Masson (2007)
Dr M. Paul (2007)
Dr C. Hughes (2007)
Up to three other members of the academic and research staff of the University, appointed by Senate for renewable terms, normally of three years Dr Ravi Thiara
Dr Khursheed Wadia
Dr Christine Harrison
Up to ten appropriately qualified members, external to the University, appointed by the Senate for renewable terms, normally of three years Professor Lorraine Radford
Diane Whitfield
Dr Hannana Siddiqui
Sumanta Roy
Dr Marianna Tortell
Hilary Fisher
Atuki Turner
Up to two representatives of graduate or diplomate learners in the University J. Ellis (2006)
J. Nixon (2006)

Centre for the Study of the Renaissance: Advisory Board

Chair Dr W. Boutcher (2017)
The Director of the Centre, appointed by the Senate on the recommendation of the Board of the Faculty of Arts, initially for a period of three years Professor I. De Smet (from Oct 2014)
The Course Directors, ex officio Dr M. Nievergelt (English) (from Oct 2017)
Three members of the academic staff of the Committee of the Centre To be appointed
Three student representatives elected to the Committee of the Centre To be appointed
Up to five other persons, not normally in the employment of the University, appointed for terms of up to five years
Dr S. Parissien
Dr K Kennedy



Industrial Relations Research Unit: Advisory Committee

Chair Prof. W. Brown
The Director of the Unit, appointed by the Advisory Committee on the Appointment of Chairs of Departments Prof. G Meardi
Prof K Hoque (acting Director 2014/15)
The Dean of Warwick Business School, ex officio Prof. M Taylor
All senior academic staff of the Unit Prof. K Hoque
Two members appointed by and from the academic research staff of the Unit Dr D. Dean
Dr J. Donaghey
Three further members of the academic staff of the University with interests in the field appointed by the Senate Prof. C. Warhurst
Prof. C. Wolkowitz
To be appointed
Up to seven appropriately qualified members external to the University appointed by the Senate Mr D. Coats
Mr M. Emmmott
Prof. S. Tailby
Mr D. Yeandle
One assessor from Confederation of British Industry Mr N. Carberry
One assessor from Trades Union Congress Ms R. Johnston
One assessor from Department of Trade and Industry Mr B. Wells
One assessor from Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service Mr R. Johnson

Institute for Employment Research: Advisory Board

Chair TBC
The Director of the Institute TBC
The Chair of the Department of Economics, ex officio TBC
The Professors and Principal Research Fellows of the Institute TBC
One member appointed by and from the academic staff of the Institute TBC
Three members to be appointed by the Senate, for terms normally of three years To be appointed
Up to five members external to the University, to be appointed by the Senate for terms normally of three years To be appointed
Up to three co-opted members To be appointed


Modern Records Centre: Advisory Board

Chair Lady D. Warwick (2012)
The Deputy Vice-Chancellor, ex officio Professor M. Smith
The Librarian, ex officio Ms A. Bell
The Archivist, ex officio To be appointed
The six members of the Academic Committee, appointed by the Senate

Professor H. Marland
Professor M. Luddy
Dr M. Thomson
Professor R. Aldrich
Professor L. Dickens
Professor M. Finn

Up to six members external to the University appointed by the Senate on the recommendation of the Academic Committee

Professor B. Fryer (2011)
Lord Morris of Handsworth (2013)
Professor P. Thane (2011)
Professor D. Howell (2011)
Professor J. Martin (2012)
Dr K. Gildart (2012)

One representative of the TUC appointed by the TUC Ms J. Henderson
One representative of the CBI appointed by the CBI Ms C. Smith
Up to four members co-opted by the Board Ms R. Donaghy (2010)

Social Theory Centre: Advisory Committee

Chair Professor W. Outhwaite (2009)
Co-Directors of the Centre Dr R. Rogowski (2009)
Dr C. Turner (2009)
Two other representatives elected by the Programme Committee Dr P. Poellner
Professor N. Thrift
Two members of the Centre's academic staff Professor P. Wagner
Professor N. Whiteside
Two academics who are not members of the University, one of whom will be elected by the Committee as Chair of the Committee Professor M. Gane (2009)
Professor W. Outhwaite (2009)
Two members of the Executive Committee appointed by the Executive Committee Professor R. Fine
Professor S. Fuller