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Swine Flu

Please Note-Information regarding groups at greatest risk from swine flu

Participants at the recent World Health Organisation meeting agreed that the groups at greater risk were in three groups: “pregnant women, especially during the third trimester of pregnancy, children younger than 2 years of age, and people with chronic lung disease, including asthma.”
The NHS provides more information on more vulnerable groups on their website at

Subsequently the University is reminding all members of the key messages from the Health Protection Agency. If you have flu-like symptoms and are concerned that you may have swine flu:

Check your symptoms using the NHS Direct symptom checker at: 

  • If you don't have access to the internet or are still concerned, call the National Pandemic Flu Service on 0800 1513 513.
You are advised to contact your doctor if you have serious underlying health conditions, are pregnant, or care for a child under one or children whose condition suddenly gets worse and those whose condition is still getting worse after 7 days (5 days for a child).