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Textile page template

Use the textile page template to format your content using the Textile markup language instead of the visual visual editor or raw HTML editor.

Textile is a markup language to format plain text, which converts to HTML when you publish your page. For example, to highlight a phrase in bold, wrap it in asterisks:

*This text is bold* but this is not.

This text displays as:

This text is bold but this is not.

Create a new textile page

  1. Go to the parent page under which you want to create the textile page.
  2. Go to Edit > Create a new page. (You need edit or admin permissions on the parent page to do this.)
  3. Select Change page template & options to expand the options, then select Textile.
  4. Enter the URL, page heading, title bar caption and link caption. (For a description of these properties, see: Create a new blank page)
  5. Enter the keywords and page contact.
  6. When you have finished editing the page properties, select Create new page.
  7. You see a confirmation message with a link to view the new page.

Change an existing page to a textile page

  1. Browse to the page that you wish to change.
  2. Go to Edit > Edit page properties.
  3. Select Change page template & options to expand the options, then select Textile.
  4. When you have finished editing the page properties, select Save changes.


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