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File properties

A file's Short title and Keywords properties are ranking factors in Warwick Search, the University's internal search engine. You can also set a file to become available or unavailable at a certain time.

Note: To change a file's properties, you need edit or admin permissions.

In this article:

View and edit properties for a single file

  1. Browse to the page where the file is stored.

  2. Go to Edit > More:

    The SiteBuilder 'Edit' menu, with the 'More' option highlighted

  3. On the the Files tab, select the file in the list, then the Properties button:

    The Files tab in SiteBuilder, with a file selected and the 'Properties' button highlighted

  4. SiteBuilder displays the file's current properties:

    The 'Editing file properties' screen
  5. Edit the properties as required. For more information about each property, select the relevant Show help text icon.

  6. When you're finished changing the file properties, select Save.

  7. Select Done to return to the page.

Change properties for multiple files

  1. Browse to the page where the files are stored.

  2. Go to Edit > More:

    The SiteBuilder 'Edit' menu, with the 'More' option highlighted

  3. On the the Files tab, select the files in the list, then the Properties button:

    The Files tab in SiteBuilder, with a file selected and the 'Properties' button highlighted

  4. You see the 'Editing properties' screen:

    The 'Editing properties' screen

  5. Select the checkbox in the Change this? column for each property you want to change.

  6. Use the checkboxes in the New value column to set the value to apply to all the selected files.

  7. When you've finished, select Change file properties.

  8. Select Done to return to the page.

Schedule when a file is available

You can schedule a file to become available or unavailable from a particular date and time. When a file is unavailable, the file is only visible on the Files tab to those with edit or admin permissions. Unavailable files do not appear in page templates – for example, a contents list, site map or tags filter – even for editors.

  1. Browse to the page where the file is stored.

  2. Go to Edit > More:

    The SiteBuilder 'Edit' menu, with the 'More' option highlighted

  3. On the the Files tab, select the file in the list, then the Properties button:

    The Files tab in SiteBuilder, with a file selected and the 'Properties' button highlighted

  4. SiteBuilder displays the file's current properties:

    The 'Editing file properties' screen
    • To schedule when the file becomes available, select the Make file available on a certain date checkbox, then use the drop-down lists to choose the date and time.

    • To specify a date and time when the file becomes unavailable, select the Make file unavailable after a certain date checkbox, then choose the date and time using the drop-down lists.

  5. Select Save.

  6. The scheduled availability appears alongside the file on the Files tab:

    The 'Files' tab, showing files with specified availability

  7. Select Done to return to the page.

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