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Edit surrounding content

For page templates other than the default blank page, the centre content is replaced by dynamic content - for example, news stories in the news page template or the questions in a form. You can edit the page content above and below this dynamic content for any template except the textile page.

  1. Browse to the page where you want to add or edit surrounding content.

  2. Go to Edit > Edit surrounding content:

    The SiteBuilder 'Edit' menu, with the 'Edit surrounding content' option highlighted

  3. In the editor, a placeholder block is displayed to mark where the dynamic content will appear on the published page. In the Components Editor, it appears like this:

    The Components Editor screen, with a Content Placeholder block in the place of dynamic page content

    In the old visual editor it appears like this:

    The old visual editor screen, with a Content Placeholder block in the place of dynamic page content

  4. Add and edit text, block layouts, images, and other components as necessary.

  5. When you're finished editing your page, select Publish.