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WebGroups is a tool for staff to create ad hoc groups of people. Such groups can then be given access to various online resources. Students do not have access to WebGroups.

Rather than having to assign individuals access, staff can create a group containing those individuals, and then give the group permissions and access to resources in SiteBuilder, Warwick Blogs, Warwick Forums and Files.Warwick. When you add or remove members from the group, this will automatically cascade through any permissions you have assigned to the group on these systems.

A useful feature of WebGroups is that the tool allows you to add a group to a group so that sub-sets can be added to larger sets. You can also add individuals to a group using their IT Services username or University ID.

Creating new groups

You can create groups, edit and delete them on

Please note there is a huge number of auto-generated WebGroups already in existence created from the relevant core systems - Student Records and HR. In particular, WebGroups are populated nightly for modules, courses, years of study on a course, etc. So please check the available WebGroups before creating or duplicating a new one. The best way to check is just to go to WebGroups > My department groups.

You can tell which groups are manual groups when the description ends in '(Arbitrary)'. If it ends in '(Department)' or '(Module)' or something else then you know it's been auto-generated from the department or module lists:

  • For departments, there is generally a group for everyone (eg, cs-all), for just staff (cs-staff) and just students (cs-students). 'cs' will be the department code, which is Computer Science in this case. There will often be a few more auto groups to cover postgraduates, tutor groups etc.
  • For modules, it is the department code then the module name, such as cs-cs302.


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