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Blank equipment page template

< Enter a brief summary about the technique here. >

cogsHow does it work?

<Enter the main description about the technique, here splitting into short readable paragraphs where appropriate, using normal space returns and soft returns (shift and enter) and bulleted lists from the main content editor - the JS Editor view.>


<Enter applications here, with fullstop at end.>

Sample handling requirements:

<Enter sample stuff here.>

Complementary techniques:

< Enter techniques here, separated by a coma and space. Link the techniques by highlighting each technique and use the Links picker from the content editor menu to find the relative link for the required page. You can move up and down the site with 'Up a level' etc in the Links picker. >

Warwick Capability:

<Enter expertise here.>

The availability of this instrument fits into these categories:

<Enter availability here.>


Dr Ian Hancox, Business Engagement Unit, Research Support Services, 024 76 150 577 email i dot hancox at warwick dot ac dot uk

<Firstly upload all the relative images to the page. You may be able to upload several files together in Firefox by holding down the CTRL button and highlighting the respective files, then clicking on open. The image files will all be stored in the 'Files' section under the page that you uploaded them to. Most of the images should be okay as they are but you may need to resize some. SiteBuilder will let you know if they are too large and suggest an alternative size and you can follow the instructions. If the images are huge (say 2000px wide or more, then it may be advisable to resize them first in Photoshop or something>

Then use the 'Insert a image' from the drop down options in the menu and locate the file that you've just uploaded. Set the equipment image to a thumbnail of 200px.

Typical results format, and sample:

Then upload the sample images here as you did with the equipment but set the sample thumbnail size to 100px. When you have uploaded the samples, highlight the image and do a right click on the mouse for adding an information in 'Title' such as what the sample is about - this will appear on mouse rollover when the image is published. You can also align the image in the centre otherwise it will default to the left.