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The selected titles are organized to reflect some of the key themes in my study



Canagarajah, A.S. (1999). Resisting linguistic imperialism in English teaching. Oxford: OUP.

Holliday, A. (1994). Appropriate Methodology and Social Context. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Holliday, A. (1994). The house of TESEP and the communicative approach: the special needs of state English language education. ELT Journal, 48(1), 3-11.

Holliday, A. (2005). The struggle to teach English as an international language. Oxford: OUP.


Education and Publishing in Kenya/Africa

Chakava, H. (1992). Kenya publishing: Independence and dependence. In P. G. Altbach (Ed.), Publishing and Development in the Third World (pp. 119-150). Retrieved from

Colclough, C. & Webb, A. (2010). The impact of aid on education policy in Kenya: RECOUP Working Paper, No. 36. Centre for Education and International Development, University of Cambridge. Retrieved November 8, 2011 from

Eshiwani, G. (1993). Education in Kenya since independence. Nairobi: EAEP.

Holmén, J. (2011). Nation-building in Kenyan secondary school textbooks. Education Inquiry 2(11), pp. 79-81.

MoE (2008). The development of education: National report of Kenya. Paper presented at The International Conference in Education, Geneva.

MoE&HRD (1998). National Policy on textbooks publishing, procurement and supply for primary schools. Nairobi: Ministry of Education and Human Resource Development.

Rotich, B., & Musakali, J. (2005). Evaluation and selection of school textbooks in Kenya: The role of the ministerial textbook vetting committee. Paper presented at the 8th IARTEM Conference on learning and educational media, Caen.

Rotich, D. C. (2000). Textbook publishing in Kenya under a new policy on school textbook procurement. Publishing Research Quarterly(Summer), 60-72.

Rotich, D. C. (2004). The affordability of school textbooks in Kenya: Consumer experiences in the transformation to a liberalizing economy. Nordic Journal of African Studies, 13(2), 175-187.

Sjöberg, S. (2011). Teaching ethnicity. (MA), Department of Government, Uppsala University.

Smith, K. (1975). Who controls book publishing in Anglophone middle Africa? Annals of the American academy of political and social science, 421(September), 140-150.

Sosale, S. (1999). Introduction. In S. Sosale (Ed.), Educational publishing in global perspective: Capacity building and trends (pp. 1-10). Washington, D.C: World Bank.

Stridsman, M. (1999). Supporting educational materials programs in developing countries: SIDA's experience. In S. Sosale (Ed.), Educational publishing in global perspective: Capacity building (pp. 86-88). Washington DC: World Bank.

The World Bank (2008). Textbooks and school library provision in secondary education in sub-saharan Africa: Working Paper No. 126. Africa Human Development Series. Washington, D.C.


Circuit of Culture

du Gay, P. H., S., Janes, L., Mackay, H., Negus, K. (1997). Doing cultural studies: The story of the Sony Walkman. London: The Open University/Sage Publications Ltd.

Gray, J. (2010). The construction of English: Culture, consumerism and promotion in the ELT global coursebook. Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.

Hall, S. (Ed.). (1997). Representation: Cultural representations and signifying practices. London: The Open University/Sage Publications Ltd.

Woodward, K. (Ed.). (1997). Identity and difference. London: The Open University/Sage Publications Ltd.


 Textbook Development

Atkinson, D. (2008). Investigating expertise in textbook writing: Insights from a case study of an experienced materials writer at work. Paper presented at the Lancaster postgraduate conference in linguistics and language teaching. Retrieved from

Harwood, N. (2010). Issues in materials development and design. In N. Harwood (Ed.), English language teaching materials: Theory and Practice. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Hayes, D. (2002). Managing national textbook development n difficult circumstances. In D. Hayes (Ed.), Making a difference: The experience of the primary English language project, Sri Lanka (pp. 35-52). Colombo: The British Council.

Hidalgo, A.C, Hall D. & Jacobs, G.M. (Eds.). (1995). Getting Started: Materials writers on materials writing. Singapore: SEAMEO Regional Language Centre.

Littlejohn, A. P. (1992). Why are English Language Teaching materials the way they are?(PhD), Lancaster University. Retrieved from

McGrath, I. (2006). Teachers' and learners' images for coursebooks. ELT Journal, 60(2), 171-179.

Tomlinson, B. (Ed.). (1998). Materials Development in Language Teaching. Cambridge: CUP.

Tomlinson, B. (Ed.). (2003). Developing materials for language teaching. London: Continuum.

Tomlinson, B. (Ed.). (2010). English language learning materials: A Critical Review. London: Continuum.



Fullan, M. (2007). The new meaning of educational change. New York: Teachers College Press.

Havelock, R. G. (1969). Planning for innovation through dissemination and utilization of knowledge. Michigan: Institute for Social Research.

Hutchinson, T., & Torres, E. (1994). The textbook as agent of change. ELT Journal, 48(4), 315 - 328.

Markee, N. (1997). Managing curricular innovation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Rogers, E. M. (2003). Diffusion of innovations (2nd ed.). New York: The Free Press.

Waters, A. (2009). Managing innovation in English language education. Language Teaching, 42(4), 421 - 458.

Wedell, M. (2009). Planning for educational change: putting people and their contexts first. London: Continuum.





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