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ePortfolio of Christian Møller-Olsen

PhD student, School of Life Sciences, University of Warwick

I am a PhD student in the School of Life Sciences as part of the Midlands Integrative Biosciences Training Partnership (MIBTP) supported by the BBSRC.

During my previous studies (BSc, MSc) I focused on the cellular and molecular biology of mammalian cells with a keen interest on their responses and interactions to and with microbial pathogens. My MSc research project was undertaken at the University of Auckland under the supervision of Dr Catherine Angel and Dr Scott Graham and examined the effects of immune mediators on the vasculature of the blood and lymphatic systems of the human skin.

My current PhD project is supervised by Dr Antonia Sagona and Professor Keith Leppard and entitled “Investigation of the molecular and cellular mechanisms of in vitro phage therapy in human cells and of the innate immune response against E. coli O18:K1:H7 and K1F bacteriophage”. The aims of this project are to further the understanding of the underlying molecular and cellular mechanisms of phage therapy in human cells and to design and engineer recombinant bacteriophages with improved properties to advance the development of phage therapy.


Møller-Olsen, C., T. Ross, K. N. Leppard, V. Foisor, C. Smith, D. K. Grammatopoulos and A. P. Sagona (2020). "Bacteriophage K1F targets Escherichia coli K1 in cerebral endothelial cells and influences the barrier function." Scientific Reports 10(1): 8903.

Møller-Olsen, C., S. F. S. Ho, R. D. Shukla, T. Feher and A. P. Sagona (2018). "Engineered K1F bacteriophages kill intracellular Escherichia coli K1 in human epithelial cells." Scientific Reports 8(1): 17559

Nash, C. A., C. P. Nelson, R. Mistry, C. Moeller-Olsen, E. Christofidou, R. A. J. Challiss and J. M. Willets (2018). "Differential regulation of β2-adrenoceptor and adenosine A2B receptor signalling by GRK and arrestin proteins in arterial smooth muscle." Cellular Signalling 51: 86-98


Christian Møller-Olsen

c dot moller-olsen at warwick dot ac dot uk

Molecular & Cellular Mechanisms of Phage Therapy
