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Elsie Osifeso Testimonial

Name: Elsie Osifeso
International Foundation course studied: Completed the IFP in Life Sciences in 2021
Current status:
Bachelor’s degree in Biomedical Science at University of Warwick - 3rd year

Why did you pick Warwick University?

I decided on Warwick for several reasons. Firstly, it has an excellent academic reputation, especially in the fields of Science, Engineering, and Business. The campus life is vibrant and diverse, with a range of student organisations and cultural activities. I also appreciate the location in Coventry, which offers a blend of historical charm and modern amenities. Additionally, the International Foundation Programme at Warwick has garnered critical acclaim and knowing that my brothers attended and benefited from it prior to my enrolment gave me confidence in the quality of education, support the university provides and felt reassured about the safety of Warwick University, which is of utmost importance to me.

What was your highlight from studying on the IFP programme?

One of the most memorable aspects of my time in the International Foundation Programme (IFP) was the opportunity to explore courses - some stood out as my favourites. The hands-on lab experience in biology was truly captivating, aligning perfectly with my long-standing interest in the subject. Moreover, delving into psychology introduced me to fascinating concepts like classical conditioning and cognitive behaviour. What made it even more exciting was the seamless connection between psychology and biology, unveiling the intricate links between the to disciplines. Moreover, Statistics for Science emerged as another highlight for me. I found great enjoyment in its rule-based nature and problem-solving aspects. Having previously encountered statistics, it was reassuring to continue with familiar subjects and topics. These courses not only deepened my comprehension and ignited a genuine passion for the subjects but also played a pivotal role in shaping my academic journey. Their impact has been instrumental in laying a strong foundation for my progression to undergraduate studies.

Student in the science lab wearing white lab coat

What are you studying now and what are your ambitions for the future?

I am currently in my 3rd year, working towards a Bachelor’s degree in Biomedical Science at the University of Warwick. Looking ahead, I plan to pursue a Master's in Health Research, with the ultimate goal of progressing to either medical school or entrepreneurship.

The IFP equipped me for my current studies and set the stage for my aspirations in health research and medical school. I successfully completed seven modules during the International Foundation Programme, each playing a crucial role in shaping my academic journey and contributing to my growth in distinct ways. The diverse range of subjects, including Psychology, Inquiry and Research Skills, Chemistry for the Biosciences, English for Academic Purposes, Biology Principles and Practice, and Statistics for Science, collectively provided me with a comprehensive skill set and knowledge base that has proven beneficial in various aspects of my academic and social pursuits.

What is student life like at Warwick?

At Warwick, student life is incredibly vibrant and diverse, I’m involved in the Trampolining and Badminton societies, and it's been a fantastic experience. What's great about Warwick is the wide array of interesting societies that cater to various interests. Whether you're into sports, arts, or other hobbies, there's something for everyone. The sports societies, in particular, offer exciting opportunities for participation and frequently organise taster sessions which allow students to try out different sports without committing to a full membership. Additionally, the 'Rock Ups' are a brilliant initiative – you get to attend sessions for free without being a formal member of the society. These sessions typically happen once a week, providing a fantastic chance to stay active, meet new people, and explore different sports and activities on campus. Socially I am part of Warwick African-Caribbean society which is a great avenue to meet new people and connect with peers.

Student trampoling

What advice would you give you someone thinking of studying at Warwick and specifically on the IFP?

Choosing Warwick, and specifically the IFP (before enrolling into a Bachelor’s degree in a reputable university), is a fantastic decision - it facilitates a great understanding of the UK education systems world-class academic standards and global mindset/expectations. My advice for anyone thinking of studying at Warwick, particularly in the IFP, would be to embrace the diverse academic opportunities and extracurricular activities the university offers.

The IFP, is well-structured and provides a solid foundation for university-level studies. Take full advantage of the resources, engage in the vibrant student life, don’t be afraid to ask questions when you don’t understand something; the professors are there to help you. Make sure you reach out and make good use of the support services, and actively participate in clubs or societies to make the most of your time. Warwick is a great and safe place for academic growth but also a community that encourages personal development, a social life and exploration.