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Create a contents list page

Use the contents list page template to create a list of links to pages and files directly beneath a page. When you add new pages or files beneath the contents list, the list automatically updates.

An example Contents list page

A contents list is useful when you want to replace a long and unwieldy local navigation menu. When used in this way, you should ensure that the sub-pages are set to not display in the local navigation.

In this article:

Create a new contents list

  1. Browse to the parent page under which you want to create the contents list.

  2. Go to Edit > Create a new page:

    The SiteBuilder 'Edit' menu, with the option to 'Create a new page' highlighted

  3. Select Change page template to expand the options, and select Contents list:

    The 'Create new page' screen, with the option to create a Contents page highlighted

  4. Use the checkboxes to specify the information you want to show in your contents list:

    Options for a new Contents list page

  5. Enter the remaining page properties, as for a blank page template.

  6. Enter the keywords and page contact.

  7. When you have finished editing the page properties, select the Create new page button. You'll see a confirmation message with a link to view the new page.

Contents list options

You have several options to customise what information to show in the contents list.

Contents page options

Include uploaded files

Select this option to show uploaded files in the contents list. The link caption comes from the file's short title property. This is useful when you want to display an index of files conveniently – for example, course notes. When you upload a new file to the page, it automatically appears in the contents list.

When you select this option, two further options become available:

  • Allow users to download files as a zip – this is convenient when you want to list each file individually but make it easy for visitors to download all files at once.
  • Include file size – show the size of each file in a separate column and enable sorting by file size.

Include web pages

Select this option to include all sub-pages in the contents list. The link shown in the contents list comes from the sub-page's link caption property.

Include description

Select this option to include sub-pages' and files' description property in the contents list.

Include name of the last editor

Select this option to show the name of the person who last updated the page or file. This feature is useful when many people update pages – for example, a research group – particularly when the last updated date option is enabled.

Include last updated date

Select this option to show the date when a page or file was last updated. You can then sort the contents list by the last updated date.

Include keywords

Select this option to show keywords property of pages and files in the contents list.

Show icons

Select this option to show file type icons alongside files, and page thumbnails (where they exist) next to pages.

Number of columns

Use this option to specify how many columns are in the contents list. Say you have 30 pages in your contents list; you could choose three columns with ten pages in each column.

Note: The Number of columns setting is overridden if any of the following options are selected:

  • Include file size
  • Include description
  • Include name of the last editor
  • Include last updated date
  • Include keywords

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