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3rd short animation for the Global Research Priorities

We have designed short animations for the Global Research Priorities (GRP) programme. Each animation summarises the research areas for one of the GRPs. This one is for Health. To watch the clip, head over to YouTube:

Wed 09 Sep 2020, 09:28 | Tags: Design, film, animation, grp, sting, Global Research Priorities, illustration, video

2nd short animation for the Global Research Priorities

Here is the second of the short animations for the Global Research Priorities (GRP) programme. Each animation summarises the research areas for one of the GRPs. This is for Productivity and the Futures of Work. To watch the clip, head over to YouTube:

Short animation for Innovative Manufacturing and Future Technologies

We have designed short animations for the Global Research Priorities (GRP) programme. Each animation summarises the research areas for one of the GRPs. This is for Innovative Manufacturing and Future Technologies. To watch the animation, head over to YouTube:

Watch our sting

Watch our latest short "sting" we have done for the Productivity and the Futures of Work programme at the University of warwick. For anyone unaware of the term, a "sting" is the industry reference for a short animation that promotes/reinforces the brand of a company/TV channel etc.

We are working with each GRP team to produce short animations to explain their research areas, watch this space for more...

Global Research Priorities poster design

Though we are working from home, our designers are always ready to help, for instance by designing the poster for the Productivity and the Futures of Work for the University of Warwick.

Webinar 3 Reflections on the COVID-19 pandemic: Perspectives on productivity, well-being and the futures of work, Webinar - Tuesday 9th June 2020, 11:30am BST

For more information about the webinar series, please go to If you need any posters for your webinars or events, call us to discuss your requirements.